01 May 2024
1st Class Credit Union & Intellectual Property Office Partnership
We are extremely excited to announce the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) as a new payroll partner. The IPO joins The Royal Mail Group, The Post Office, and The Communications Workers trade union as payroll partners of the credit union.
This agreement comes as the first of its kind from the Civil Service segment of our common bond, and we hope it is the starting point for further agreements with other Civil Service departments.
The IPO Is part of the Civil Service and currently employs circa 1,700 people.
We look forward to offering their employees the opportunity to save and borrow directly from their salary for the first time.
Our Business Development Manager, Gurmeet Chahal had this to say about our newest payroll partner - “It is great to have onboarded IPO as our latest payroll partner. We are looking forward to providing IPO staff access to our products and services through payroll deduction. Our team are excited to speak to IPO staff face-to-face in their workplace”.