Loan Shark Support

Help is Available
If you have borrowed money from a loan shark and are feeling trapped, out of control, or threatened, don’t worry – you are not alone.
You are not in trouble if you have borrowed cash or have been paying back a loan from an illegal money lender – they are the ones committing a crime, not you.
Your credit union can help pay off your loan and build savings at the same time. The first step is letting us know you need help.
Getting Support Across the UK
Scottish Illegal Money Lending Unit
Take the first step to getting your life back and managing your money and debts by calling their confidential loan shark helpline on 0800 074 0878 or via their online reporting form.
The helpline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for anyone who has any concerns or questions about illegal money lending or loan sharks. They can provide immediate support with urgent issues and longer-term support to help you move away from using loan sharks.
English Illegal Money Lending Unit
Stop Loan Sharks investigates and prosecutes illegal money lenders and provides support for borrowers in the UK.
If you have borrowed from a loan shark or are worried about someone else, they are here to help and keep you safe. Their specially trained staff will provide you with emotional and practical support that is tailored to your needs.
Call them 24/7 on 0300 555 2222 or start a Live Chat with us by clicking on the chat icon in the bottom right-hand corner of their website. This service is available 9 am-5 pm, Monday to Friday, If you are deaf or hard of hearing we can provide a BSL interpreter and we have several BSL resources on our YouTube channel.
Welsh Illegal Money Lending Unit
The first step is the hardest.
You may feel ashamed or worried about what will happen. Coming forward is the right thing to do.
Remember you are not in trouble if you have borrowed money from a loan shark. If it is an illegal debt you may not even have to pay it back.
Contact us in confidence for advice or to report a loan shark.
Everything you tell us is confidential, but you do not need to give any personal details.
Click here for help,