Benefits Calculator

We are here to Help

Over 8 million UK households are missing £16 billion in benefits. We work in partnership with Inbest to help ensure that you receive all of the benefits that you’re entitled to.

The Benefits Calculator will help you to understand your entitlements to Universal Credit, Pension Credit, Child Benefit, Council Tax Reduction, and Help to Save.

If you make less than £60,000 a year, it's a good idea to see if you can get some extra help like benefits or discounts. By claiming these, you might get thousands more pounds a year, as well as help with paying your council tax, water and energy bills, and the costs of looking after your children.

To see if you can get this help, just answer four easy questions to quickly see how much more money you could get each month. After that, spend a few minutes giving us more details and you'll get a list of the benefits and discounts you might be able to get, along with instructions on how to claim them

Any information you enter into the calculator is 100% confidential and we don’t share it with anyone else.

Use Our Benefits Calculator