Join Us

Become a Member
By joining 1st Class Credit Union you are joining a credit union that puts you 1st. We serve our members by providing a safe and secure place to save their hard-earned money while providing access to affordable loans. Our members have a say in how we do things by completing our regular surveys and attending our Annual General Meeting.
Join via our Mobile App
Join directly through our Mobile App. All you have to do is download to take full advantage of joining as you go.
Join via our website
Join via our website. Fill out and submit an Online Membership Application and a member of staff will follow up to finalise your membership.
Our common bond covers
An individual who is a member of the following organisation:
- The Communications Workers Union (CWU).
- The Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS).
- The Professional Footballers' Association.
- The Professional Footballers' Association Scotland (PFA Scotland).
An individual who is otherwise associated with the above trade unions through:
- Their employment within the Civil Service.
- Following the same occupation as the above individuals.
- Being in receipt of a pension as a result of being previously employed by either CWU or PCS.
- Is employed by an organisation that receives trade union representation by either CWU or PCS. This includes organisations such as The Royal Mail Group, BT, EE, HMRC, DWP, NHS England & Wales, Government Agencies, and more.
Family membership:
- An individual who is related to and resides at the same address as a Credit Union member, who falls directly within the common bond specified above.
Junior membership:
- Current members of 1st Class Credit can apply to open a Junior Account if they meet certain criteria.
Why Join?
Members of our credit union enjoy many benefits, including:
Access to loans up to £20,000
Save money on daily purchases through our 1st Class Discount Club. Save in stores such as ASDA, Tesco, Costa, and much more.
Account covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme
Annual Dividend paid on savings (subject to surplus)
The right to vote on decisions which affect your Credit Union at our AGM
Joining more than 10,000 members who are currently helping one and other
Access to your account 24/7 online and through our Mobile App
Save specifically for Christmas with our Christmas Club Account
During your membership of 1st Class Credit Union, all members must follow the terms and conditions set out by the credit union. These must be agreed to before you can join our credit union. Please see below:
- A Share Account can be opened by completing a Membership Application. If further identification is required to open your account, we will contact you accordingly.
- To take full advantage of our products and services, you must have an active account with a minimum share balance of £5.00.
- Your membership will commence from the date of the first deposit via payroll deduction or direct debit.
- The minimum savings required by members is £4.00 weekly or £16.00 monthly.
- An annual dividend will be paid into your share account, subject to surplus, on all sums deposited. Dividend payments are gross of tax. The rate at which the dividend is paid is determined at the Annual General Meeting.
- If you wish to terminate your membership you can do so by requesting the relevant paperwork from the office. Any available shares will be paid to you on the closure of your account.
- It is your responsibility to inform us of any changes in your personal details.
- We have the right to cancel your membership if we believe you have fraudulently acquired membership/services from us.