Complaints Policy

Complaints Policy 

At 1st Class Credit Union, we are committed to providing an exceptional service to our members.  We understand that despite our best efforts, there may be occasions when our services do not meet your expectations.  This Complaints Policy outlines our approach to handling member complaints promptly, fairly and effectively, while adhering to the relevant regulations.

1st Class Credit Union value member feedback, and where this has been unsatisfactory, we will take reasonable steps to resolve this in a timely and satisfactory manner.

The FCA defines a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction (oral or written) about the provision of, or failure to provide, a financial service.  The complainant may suffer financial loss, material distress or material inconvenience.

Making a Complaint

If you have a complaint, you should refer the complaint to the original point of contact where a member of staff will aim to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.  If this is not satisfactory, you will be asked to make this an official complaint directly with the Complaints Officer.   This can be done through the following channels:

  • In Person: 1st Class Credit Union, Aspire Business Centre, 16 Farmeloan Rd, Glasgow, G73 1DL.
  • By Phone: Call us at 01415528408
  • By Email:
  • In Writing: Send a letter to 1st Class Credit Union, Aspire Business Centre, 16 Farmeloan Rd, Glasgow, G73 1DL.

If you do not want to put your complaint in writing, this can be done verbally with the Complaints Officer.  The Complaints Officer will ensure that all details of the complaint are noted and confirmed back to you before ending the call to ensure all details are accurate.

Any complaints made to 1st Class Credit Union must be resolved within an 8-week period from the first point of contact.

Responding to a Complaint

Any complaint will be acknowledged within 24 business hours of receipt by the Complaints Officer.  At this time, the Complaints Officer may send you a Complaint Form (FORM_022)  to gather any relevant information and will save all documentation/correspondence relating to the complaint.

Within 3 Business Days

Where the Complaints Officer believes they are able to resolve the complaint within 3 working days, they will send you a summary resolution communication.  This will state that the Credit Union believes that the complaint has been resolved and that if you are not satisfied with the outcome, you have the option to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

More than 3 Business Days

If the compliant cannot be resolved within 3 business days, the Complaints Officer will aim to resolve the complaint within 15 days (including Saturdays), however, in more complex cases they may require more time to gather information relating to the complaint.  In this instance, the Complaints Officer will inform you within 15 days of the action being taken and the expected date of completion.

The Complaints Officer will gather all relevant information and present this to the Senior Management Team (SMT) for review.  The SMT will discuss and decide on the outcome of the complaint.

The Complaints Officer must provide a full written response to you within 8 weeks of receipt of the written complaint.  This response will explain our findings and any actions taken to resolve the complaint.  If the complaint is upheld, the letter will offer a suitable remedy which may include an apology, corrective action or compensation where appropriate.  Any compensation payment will be agreed by the Senior Management Team.

Financial Ombudsman Service

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can direct your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service.  Further details regarding the Financial Ombudsman Service can be obtained from their website at or they can be contacted on 0800 023 4567.

Directing a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service must be done within 6 months of the date of the summary resolution communication or final response.

Closing a Complaint

If you fail to respond to our correspondence regarding your complaint within 4 weeks, we will presume withdrawal and close the file.  If you contact after the 4-week period, you will be required to start the complaint procedure from the beginning.